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Andrea Ayotte Photography

It was in the darkroom of her grade 11 high school photography class in 1995. It was her first print from a homemade pinhole camera; as the latent image appeared on the page, she could imagine walking down the road into the vastness beyond. "I was hooked!" she says. From there her love for black and white film photography grew into an obsession; which later would greatly enhance her skills in digital photography. Although Andrea primarily shoots digital; she continues to shoot 35mm film to stay connected to her photography roots.


Andrea was greatly influenced by photographers such as Ansel Adams, Fritz Goro, Helmet Newton, Piotr Naskrecki, and by National Geographic magazine's. Collectively cultivating her photographic techniques in landscape, macro, nude, insect, and wildlife photography.


After graduating from the Digital Photography and Imaging program at Sault College in 2016 with a 3.95 grade average and not one, but two portfolios; Andrea set out to photograph insects and wildlife in distant lands. In 2016 she had the opportunity to travel to Machu Picchu in the Andes mountains of Peru and Refugio Amazons in the Peruvian Amazon. In 2017 she curated an exhibition of some of her work called "Peru", a photographic journey; exhibiting photographs using multiple forms of photographic techniques.


Andrea's love for the planet and ALL living creatures inspires her to bring feared and forgotten worlds to the public eye. Striving to encourage society to learn more about misunderstood creatures and how they play a role in everyday life. It is through photography that she is able reach people and encourage them to learn instead of hate and fear the unusual and unknown. "None of God's creatures absolutely considered are in their own nature contemptible; the meanest fly, the poorest insect has its use and virtue." Mary Astell.

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